When faced with a charge of reckless driving, one question that continually arises from those charged is whether they may face a jail sentence or time if they are taken into custody at the time of their citation. The answer can be complex, and will indeed depend on the specific and particular facts of your case. Much can depend on the jurisdiction (varying counties may have differing laws for the very same charges, such as speeding as an example) as well as the judge and the prosecutor assigned to the case.
A good rule of thumb is that the offense could indeed result in an arrest and subsequent jail time if the offense is considered egregious in some manner. A sample scenario could be driving over 100 miles per hour on a street where the speed limit is designated as 45-50 miles per hour.
As such, someone who is exceeding that limit twice over is very likely to be facing an arrest and resulting jail time, as opposed to someone in that same zone who is speeding at 75 miles per hour (that offender is more likely to receive a citation for doing so. An officer on scene may assess and review other factors, such as whether an offender is intoxicated upon the traffic stop for the speeding (which would likely result in an additional jail sentence) or if the defendant has an extensive record of previous driving infractions or convictions (a judge reviewing these may well sentence the defendant to jail time in light of these facts).
Hence, a substantial assessment of all the factors of a given traffic stop for reckless driving within Richmond, VA and its surrounding areas would be necessary in order to determine whether an arrest and jail time would occur as a consequence.
Because these factors can vary so widely, and because laws between neighboring counties and regions can be interpreted very broadly, consulting with an experienced traffic attorney and a reckless driving lawyer is a must. An experienced attorney will be able to assess your charge & work with a clerk to prepare a defense that can reduce or avoid jail time.
The law office of BernsteinHough P.C. has a strong background and a terrific record of success in assisting clients with these charges, and their familiarity with the laws and local rules in central VA counties will ensure that clients may rely on their objective advice and counsel and receive the best possible defense. Be sure to contact our law firm if you are facing an arrest for reckless driving or have already been arrested for such in Richmond, Virginia. Their attorneys stand at the ready to help you today!